__________A - Ian___________B - Tony (Winner)
__________C - Mike_____________D - Nigel

__________________________E - Alan


Public Vote Result:-
TONY 43% - MIKE 35% - IAN 14% - NIGEL 7% - ALAN 1%
(Total Votes 122 )

Independent Judge's Comments
"As usual, each one is good which makes my job harder and harder! Having spent time looking at each of them I came out with two semi-finalists: Photos A - (Ian) and B - (Tony). It took a little while to decide which of theses would be the "winner" and in the end I went for B - (TONY), they were both great photos but this one had great movement, a good focal point and of all the photos, this is the one I want hanging on my wall !"

"Sorry to disappoint the other 4 but I guess I have pleased one of you ! Looking forward to February" Said Ruth.
